We specialise in supporting Boarding School Survivors, as we call adult ex-boarders. It is always helpful to have the support of a therapist, but few practitioners are aware of the specific and complex issues involved in Boarding School Syndrome.

Specially trained psychotherapists and counsellors are now available to work with individuals and help prepare for our workshops, as well as to follow up and integrate the work afterwards. We recognise that family members are likely to be affected by the aftermath of a boarding school upbringing. To this effect we also offer counselling for spouses, as well as couple-counselling.

If you have recognised some of the issues we have described and would like to meet with one of our therapists, please contact us for a referral. Your letter will be handled with complete confidentiality. Please let us know where you live and we will endeavour to find a specially trained therapist in an area near to you, although this cannot be guaranteed.

Please note that due to the scarcity of resources, you may have to travel for your therapy.

You may also like to visit: www.boardingrecovery.com